
Brickenburg Expo

The event is hosted by The County Museum of Bacau County, 350 Km from Cluj-Napoca. Bacau is the second most important city in Moldavia Region, Eastern Romania. The occasion of the event is the European Night of Museums. This will be the 5th consecutive participation of the Brickenburg Association in this European cultural event. The MOC layouts will be focused on the society transition from traditional life in the village to future space communities, taking also in consideration the our days town/city civilization.

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2016-05-20 10:00:00
2016-05-22 17:00:00
Str. 9 Mai nr. 7, Bacau, Romania


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Steve and John did their job every day, yet they never stopped to consider that their tools might be too small for the task. After all: everything is cool when you're part of a team.

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