
Expo Brick BIOBIO

Un nuevo evento en el horizonte. Una vez mas CONCELUG con el afán de mostrar y compartir sus creaciones a la comunidad, se reunirá en la exposición mas austral del mundo, EXPO BRICK BIOBIO. en la ciudad de Talcahuano este 16 de Abril en el Liceo Tecnico C-25... :D Muchas colecciones e invitados. Saludos contacto@concelug.cl

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2016-04-16 10:30:00
2016-04-16 18:00:00
Blanco Encalada 1250, Talcahuano, VIII region, Chile


Story Time

Steve and John did their job every day, yet they never stopped to consider that their tools might be too small for the task. After all: everything is cool when you're part of a team.

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It's a pretty standard site search, but I'm trying to make it smarter day by day. You can currently search for techniques, parts, sets and contributors. If you can't find what you're looking for contact me and I'll try to help you along and make this better.


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