
2x4 Day (A Global Day of ...LEGO... Brick Play)

A Fan created and local fan celebrated yet global day of LEGO Brick play. LUGs, individuals, families and others are invited to host LEGO Themed events and play days for friends, family and random guests! Second annual! Last year was celebrated in Romania, Peru and the USA! Let's get new countries on board! Any LEGO Brick play works! Share what you do on your local country 2x4 day internet presence, blog or vblog! And please also post to the CA 2x4 Day Facebook site! Share if you're participating, then show photos of what you did! Anytime the week before or after counts! (because it's on a Saturday!) https://www.facebook.com/groups/1548911258706221/?fref=nf

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2016-03-27 21:30:00
2016-04-08 21:30:00
5875 E Appian Way, Long Beach, USA


Story Time

Steve and John did their job every day, yet they never stopped to consider that their tools might be too small for the task. After all: everything is cool when you're part of a team.

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It's a pretty standard site search, but I'm trying to make it smarter day by day. You can currently search for techniques, parts, sets and contributors. If you can't find what you're looking for contact me and I'll try to help you along and make this better.


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