
PLAY vol.1 - creativity with playing - at Takahama Kawara Museum, Japan

Japan LEGO User Group (J_LUG) will exhib at Takahama Kawara Museum. MOCs would be in show case. the main theme of the Museum exhib is, creativity in toys or play. ジャパンレゴユーザーグループ(J_LUG)が高浜市やきものの里かわら美術館で展示をします。展示会のメインテーマは「表現における遊戯性」。PLAY vol.1を毎年開催できるよう盛り上げてまいります。

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2016-07-16 10:00:00
2016-09-04 17:00:00
9-6-18 Aoki-cho, Takahama City, Aichi pref., Japan


Story Time

Steve and John did their job every day, yet they never stopped to consider that their tools might be too small for the task. After all: everything is cool when you're part of a team.

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