
Swiss Fantaszy Show

ABOUT SWISS FANTASY SHOW The Swiss Fantasy Show is a cultural event which takes place in Western Switzerland and aims to pay tribute to all things fantastic. The fantastic, as the term is used here, refers to science fiction and fantasy. There are many ways to explore the two genres and their imaginary worlds: through literature, graphic arts, sculpture, merchandise and, most importantly, cinema. The structure of the event is based on conventions organised in other countries, such as London Film and Comic Con, Collectormania in Milton Keynes, FACTS, San Diego Comic Con, as well as Paris Japan Expo. Such conventions exhibit several intrinsic characteristics: Costume contests (Cosplay) Inviting film actors for autograph sessions Illustrators and 3D artists who come to present their pieces and share their work with the public Associations dedicated to the recreation of their favourite characters and universes through costumes and props Shops selling merchandise, figurines, comics, manga and other paraphernalia Private collections of tie-in items Various exhibitions pertaining to science fiction and fantasy

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2016-10-21 10:15:00
2016-10-22 19:15:00
Théatre de beausobre, Morges, Switzerland


Story Time

Steve and John did their job every day, yet they never stopped to consider that their tools might be too small for the task. After all: everything is cool when you're part of a team.

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