
Bram Lambrecht

Also known as bldesign.

The other great contributors

-Mike S- Adam Grabowski Adrian Drake Akihiro Soma Alex Eylar Allan Bedford Alpha Company Forums Alyse & Remi Amaury Andrew Becraft Andrew Colunga Anthony Sava Antonio Bellón Barney Main Barry Bosman Benjamin Ellerman Benjamin Heining Bill Ward Bob Kojima Bram Lambrecht Brian Cooper Brian D'Agostine Brian Slevin Brick Factory Brick Fanatics Brick Instructions Brickjournal Bricklink Brickset Brickshelf Brickwielder Brickwright Brothers Brick Bruce Lowell Bruce N H Carbohydrates Carter Baldwin Casey McCoy Chris McVeigh Chris Meyer Christopher Howard Classic Castle Cole Blaq Daniel Pikora Daniel Stoeffler davee123 David Ang David Eaton David Foreman Devid VII Didier Enjary droomangroup Duane Hess Ean H Edward Kohl Eggy Pop Eric Harshbarger Eurobricks Flickr Forbidden Cove Fredo Houben Geneva D. Gregory Coquelz Heather Braaten Hessianizer Hispalug Holger Matthes Iain Heath iBrick IconoKlasm Instructables Isogawa Yoshihito Jamie Berard Jason Alleman Jim Darlack Jim DeVona Joe Miller John Greenough Jon Palmer Jonathan F Jonathan Gale Jonathan Grzywacz Jordan Schwartz Josh Jones Karwik Katie Walker Keith Goldman Kevin Heckel Kosmas Santosa Krazy Kastle Krak Guy Kristel Kyle Peterson Kyle Vrieze Kyubi LDraw LEGO LEGO ambassador network LEGO Digital Designer Legoism Leo Wilhelm Leonard Hoffman Let's build it again Ley Ward Li Li Lichtblau Linus Bohman Louise Dade Luke Watkins Hutchinson Maarten Steurbaut Marco Tagliaferri Martin Latta Martin Storbeck Masao Hidaka Matt de Lanoy Mecabricks Memory Merlijn Wissink Micah Berkoff Mike Crowley Mike Gallagher Mike Nieves Mike Stimpson Mocpages Moko Monteur Moritz Nolting Mosaic Bricks MrH Nannan Zhang Nate Nielsen Nathan Proudlove Nathan Stohlmann Nathan Wells Nelson Yrizarry New Elementary Nick Trotta Niels Bugge Nuju Metru o0ger Parda Pascal Breard Pawel Kmiec Peeron Péter Ittzés Peter L. Morris Phillipe Cantin Quad quickfreeze4 Ralph Savelsberg Rebrickable Reto Geiger Richard Jones Rob Dasnewten Robin Chang Robo-Knight Rodney Bistline Ronald Vallenduuk Rotsiser Mho Roy T. Cook Russell Callender Ryan Howerter sailorhg ScotNick1 Scott Lyttle Sean and Steph Mayo Shannon Young Sheo slimpickings450 Soren Roberts Stefan Käsmayer Sun Yun The Brick Blogger Thibaut Mottet Thomas J Avery Tim Gould Tom Alphin Tony Hafner Tranquility Base Comic Tuomas Kukkamaa Twinlug Tyler Clites Vangelis Katsikaros Wigboldy William Howard Windell Oskay YouTube Yupa-Sama zgreenz

Story Time

Steve and John did their job every day, yet they never stopped to consider that their tools might be too small for the task. After all: everything is cool when you're part of a team.

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